Earth Hearth – A New Endeavor

What do you get when you combine a home birth midwife, a Shamanic healer, a feminist Afrikan doula/advocate, a groovy photographer, a wise mama living on an ancient land, and a married couple with two babies trying to make the world a little greener?

Why, a new blog of course!

Because I can’t get enough of this blogging business, I am proud to be a contributing author on brand spankin’ new blog. Earth Hearth is a joint endeavor with my midwife and soul-friend Marinah as well as five other talented contributors with diverse perspectives and backgrounds (it just so happens that my husband is one of them.) Each contributor will be posting one article or photo a week, so there should always be fresh content to peruse.

Our vision for Earth Hearth is that is be a virtual spring board and meeting ground to share thoughts and topics meant to beautify the realm of the internet. With the plethora of “junk” and ickiness on the web, we hope Earth Hearth will truly be a place readers can gather ‘round for some inspiration and thought-provoking ideas.

Please pardon the “blog dust” as we continue to work out design kinks (meaning don’t be surprised if you visit and notice a new template/design every single time).

In the meantime, check us out!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Brooke says:

    Wow. So cool. And I think I recognize a beautiful Mom I know on those pages.

    Can’t wait for what comes, knowing you all I see great things emerging.

  2. isabel says:

    Very cool.
    I look forward to the ideas, inspiration and writing to be birthed from this collaboration.You rock.

  3. mb says:

    oh very cool!!!!!!


  4. Iya Raet says:

    LOL, I am so far from a feminist. But, its all good.


  5. congratulations. i will be adding it to my reader. 🙂

    p.s. my holiday gift guide is up!

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