
This year, on Valentine’s Day, I found this poem.   My Indi was still a mysterious little being in my womb, radiating her intensely giving spirit.   Somehow, I knew in the center of my deepest cells that she would come to be the face this poem describes so vividly.   It is as if she visited Rumi some 800 years ago, inspiring him with her “unfathomable grace” and “fragrant breath”.

I only wish my own words could express what my arms feel when they embrace her body and pull her to my heart.  Rumi’s words come pretty damn close.

Looking For Your Face – By Rumi


From the beginning of my life

I have been looking for your face

but today I have seen it.


Today I have seen

the charm, the beauty,

the unfathomable grace

of the face

that I was looking for.


Today I have found you

and those that laughed

and scorned me yesterday

are sorry that they were not looking

as I did.


I am bewildered by the magnificence

of your beauty

and wish to see you with a hundred eyes.


My heart has burned with passion

and has searched forever

for this wondrous beauty

that I now behold.


I am ashamed

to call this love human

and afraid of God

to call it divine.


Your fragrant breath

like the morning breeze

has come to the stillness of the garden

You have breathed new life into me

I have become your sunshine

and also your shadow.


My soul is screaming in ecstasy

Every fiber of my being

is in love with you


Your effulgence

has lit a fire in my heart

and you have made radiant

for me

the earth and sky.


My arrow of love

has arrived at the target

I am in the house of mercy

and my heart

is a place of prayer.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Sarah says:

    Beautiful….thanks for sharing that.

  2. daisybones says:

    Oh. … just Oh. It made my heart beat stronger, reading this. I love Rumi. He speaks about my love for my Mom, my baaby, my husband, and my Universe/Goddess.

  3. isabel says:

    They do come to find us, don’t they?
    “I am in the house of mercy”
    This got me in my bones.

  4. Joanna says:

    Funny, Leigh, how you inspire me in entirely the right ways. You always write about something that I need to relate to on a given day. This poem is lovely, sublime. Your girl is just adorable, and your love for her is so evident. I hope you birth more children, as you are the kind of Mama that is needed in this world. Definitely.

  5. mb says:

    i love rumi.

    i love indi.

    i love all ya’ll.


  6. isabel says:

    I have something for you over at my blog, lucky lady!

  7. Silvia says:

    i’ve read a lot of words by rumi, but these just blow me away… such beauty.

    came here through isabel’s blog and am glad i did 🙂

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